Drymatic Boost Bar

Drymatic Boost Bar


Drymatic Boost Bar with Fan to Boost Bar Connector

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The Drymatic Boost Bar is one of the most advanced auxiliary heat systems on the market. The Boost Bar is designed to give water damage professionals the ability to deliver temperature controlled air to a wide range of affected spaces quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Our Drymatic Boost Bar come with:

  • Boost Bar

  • Fan to Boost Bar Connector


The Drymatic Boost Bar is one of the most advanced auxiliary heat systems on the market. The Boost Bar is designed to give water damage professionals the ability to deliver temperature controlled air to a wide range of affected spaces quickly, efficiently, and safely.

  • Feedback on Air In/Air Off Temperatures

  • Live heater power display

  • Indicates how many heater banks are running

  • Electronic airflow detection

  • Hours run and kWh meters

  • Maximum air temperature limit

  • Current limiter (for situations where reduced power is available on site)

  • Machine life data and factory diagnostics

  • Designed for fast & efficient target drying

  • PTC heating technology

  • Auto adjusts heater power to suit environment

  • Flexible System with a Range of Attachments

  • Weighs only 17lb, rotomoulded and stackable

  • Maximum amp draw 11.6A

  • Graphical Display - Energy usage and temperature differentials over a 7-day period

The Drymatic Boost Bar can be used with any Air Mover as the system will automatically self-regulate its heater power depending on the volume of airflow provided.

For efficient heating of the structure, connect your Drymatic Boost Bar to your Drymatic Mat systems, 4-Port adaptor, 12-Port adaptor, or 90deg adaptor. The Drymatic range of adaptors will allow you to channel your heated airflow into kitchen cabinetry, cavity walls, subfloors, ceiling voids and much more.



The kit
